

Oh wow everything is different. Awesome, cool. Yeah so, everything that you read before about me making movies, and writing reviews. Yeah, you can forget all that. I haven't talked about making a movie with anybody in forever. I may or may not write more reviews. Actually, I think I have a review of The Antlers' Hospice I could post here from my equally as used LiveJournal.
So, if you want to check out my other shit, here it is (again, probably):
Xbox GT: Evrac (usually only on to play Rock Band, or Fable II, but you message me, I'll play whatever)
Steam ID: Mattastrophe (have no games and a shitty computer at the moment)


  1. yayyy i like the changes!
    BLOG ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL LIFE TOO! i love reading about stuff like that! (maybe cause i'm a creepy, nosy weirdo) plus i'm *gasp* not into english movies and music and games much! (kill me)
    thanks for the follow! i know you probably don't know who Jackky Bhagnani is, but i'll keep on posting regularly about my personal life so that you have something to read on my blog as well :P

  2. Haha, ok, I'll try and put some personal stuff up in here, as well as a picture I guess, if I have to.
