
Big post

Hello. I hope most of you play video games, because here is my retrospective on my life of video games that I posted on Screwattack.

I have read a couple of retrospects, so I felt I should write one on myself. Here goes nothing:

My story begins when I was three. Now, I was young, so I didn't understand the whole "video game" concept. It didn't matter. One glorious day, I saw my dad hooking something up in the living room that was by my room in the basement.

It was a brand new Nintendo Entertainment System. Complete with controller and the best game at the time, the Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt bundle cartridge. I was overwhelmed. I didn't know what it was, but I didn't care. I played that thing until my fingers hurt.

The months went by, and all the time "wasted", as some would say, on that beautiful gray box, it quickly went away. The poor old girl broke down and like a horse with a bum leg, we put her down. Or rather, we gave it away to someone who enjoys harvesting the broken dreams of children.

My life was video gameless. Nothing to do but sit in a chair and watch TV, I was bored. Years passed. I made friends in school, and people that moved into the neighborhood quickly became my pals. I had fun playing with my friends, I forgot video games existed half the time, but one Christmas, something unbelievable happened. I got a Gameboy Color. Complete with Pokemon Crystal.

Again, I played for hours a day, only stopping to eat and sleep, and of course the annoying fact of having to go to school. I loved that Gameboy with all my heart, and as the years went on, my game collection piled up, good and bad games alike. My holy grail was Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, along with the aforementioned Pokemon Crystal. But guess what? God hates happy kids so not one, but both games were lost. To this day I can't find them, but as luck would have it, I found a copy of Crystal at a yard sale.

Well, replaying Dragon's Lair twenty times a day gets boring after a while, so the Gameboy lost my interest. Every so often, I would walk over to my friend's house, and we'd play some N64. I pined for a console for myself, but to no avail. Later on that friend would move. No more N64. But, what's this? An Xbox? That's not from Nintendo, is it? But who cares? This is fun! Jet Set Radio Future and SEGA GT 2002 satisfied my video game lust for a long time. More games arrived, such as Star Wars Battlefront, and Halo 2. But soon, my interest left the building.

Christmas is a magical time, especially if you receive a Gameboy Advance (SP) along with several games. Games come over the next couple of years, interests are gained and lost. We get an old Playstation from old family friends, games are bought on eBay. A DS comes along after money is saved. Then, the ultimate announcement. Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii. I needed one of them. After months of saving money for a PSP, I ditched the idea for a 360. Guess what? I got it. Guess what else? After school was finished, a gift arrived. A Wii.

It is now January 16th, 2009. My 360 lays on my shelf, ready to serve my gaming lust.Playstation alongside my TV. My DS, GBA SP, and my faithful old GBC lay in my drawer aside my controllers. And the Wii. It lays were it's great grandfather did once before.

I love video games.

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