

 OK, so since some people like to read posts about people's lives and shit, I guess I'll try that. This may or may for sure be boring.

 Yeah, so I guess I'll introduce myself again, since I'm basically starting this blog over without deleting anything. I'm Matthew, I'm 16, I'm pretty much a nerd. Into video games, movies and very much into music. When not being boring, I like to hang out with my friends at odd hours of the night. Even then, I might still be boring, I dunno. I live in a small town in Nova Scotia (Canada). I like to introduce my friends to weird bands that they will eventually come to love. Hm. I guess that's mostly it about me. Might think of something else later. Maybe.

 Not much to write about today. Got back from work and had supper for my sisters 20-something birthday. I made a lasagna sandwich. Good times. Probably going to sit here listening to music and going on 4chan for the rest of the night, since that is what my internet life usually is: music, 4chan, Facebook.

Ok, I can't think of anything else to write here.


  1. nah, its not boring. i'm 16 too! i don't really have a life except for blogging, and since i'm homeschooled and i moved countries recently i don't have any friends at all. ;(
    happy 20-something birthday to your sister!


    I'm kinda hungry so yeah.
