
Next stop: Hollywood

Yeah so I said I would be putting the videos I did in Film class here, and I will keep that promise. I now present our first ever short film, The Following. It stars me and one of my friends, with another manning the camera. The only sound we used were songs that we thought fit the mood. I also love the camera work, and must remember to tell my friend how awesome he is. I'd also like to say that we thought of the idea like, ten minutes before we actually filmed, because our other idea could not be finished as some one ditched when we were supposed to finish. Oh well, I think this one is better. So without further delay, here is our first video, The Following.

1 comment:

  1. this was awesome. i was seriously creeped out by the whole thing till the surprise ending, haha. the camera work was indeed really good, and the music went well with the video!
